Senior Sizzle

I will do what it takes to make your Senior – Sizzle – Again
ll too often I find myself face-to-face with clients and patients that are getting older (the patients) that is LOL…
Slowly Fido has become sedentary. He isn’t eating well. He doesn’t sleep in the same places. He’s drinking more water. Or less water or pooping in different places He doesn’t jump off the bed. He doesn’t want to go as far as he used to on walks. Mom and dad think he’s old. Most of the family thinks there’s nothing that can be done. — How Sad!…
Old is not a disease!
Aging is a process, it is anticipated, it is predictable, it does not have to be painful, it does not have to be debilitating.
National statistics in the USA, Europe and Australia, reveal that over 75% of Senior Veterinary Patients have arthritis. Yet less than 20% ever benefit from any treatment. — How Sad!…
Arthritis, chronic progressive heart or kidney disease, inflammatory bowel disease, gum infections ( mild, or severe) truly are diseases but certainly are treatable.
It gives me great pain to see my patients suffering when their owners believe their condition is normal — when indeed it is abnormal and very treatable.
I believe my profession in general historically has failed in making pet owners aware of this. And in particular much can can be done proactively before the condition becomes a serious and possibly irreversible or even fatal problem.
My goal is to keep your senior dog on the track forever.
That of course is optimistic, overstated, possibly not realistic, but I believe in setting high goals and high standards for myself and my own dogs and I will not compromise with yours……
That is the goal of this section: To give you and your senior or near senior dog the tools, ammunition, and correct knowledge, to keep your four-legged kid on the track.
80 year old men and women run marathons every weekend.
Don’t you feel that your pup (senior pup) should be able to do the same?
I certainly do!
So… What problems are you having with your Fido today?.
What are your three biggest frustrations, that are keeping you from enjoying your puppy?
Share them with me in the comment section below and I’ll help anyway I can.
Dr. B…