Puppy Pranks

The wisdom of our puppies sometimes escapes us.
How often we find ourselves chasing our own tails, failing to address the real underlying problem and not enjoying the solution. Our puppies’ antics of shredding the newspaper and eating our slippers all too often raises our blood pressure when we should be sitting back and enjoying their youth, vitality, and personality.
The old adage”
“hen you’re up to your armpits in alligators, it’s hard to remember that your primary objective is to drain the swamp.”
Surely applies to us and our attitude towards our pups.
Namely the present crisis distracts us. We lose our focus and we lose sight of the big picture and we lose sight of the the joy that is set before us.
In this section I hope to enlighten your need to live peacefully with your puppy, help you gain the upper hand where you should and let boys be boys and girls be girls — whenever possible.
To that end I appreciate your feedback. We are in this puppy thing together. And my goal is to give you what you need, when you need it, whether you think you need it or not. And, I can only do that with your help, which I appreciate greatly.
So… What problems are you having with your Fido today?.
What are your three biggest frustrations, that are keeping you from enjoying your puppy?
Share them with me in the comment section below and I’ll help anyway I can.
Dr. B…
PS. in case you think I’m sitting in an ivory tower giving advice over some high-tech internet channel and in case you really don’t know me, I think you should tell you that I have been raised by well over a 100 Bernese Mountain Dog puppies (I can’t keep track ) from birth to as many as 13 years of age. There have been many, many joys, with a few sad moments mixed in. I wouldn’t trade any of those experiences — because each has taught me something valuable and I have learned to love them even more everyday.
It is from that experience (my personal experience) and my professional education that I can draw from daily; that gives me great confidence and knowledge that I can help you and your puppy. — Dr. B…