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This Is Your Download Page For
"Pet Insurance — Simplified"
Discover 5 ways to reduce your premium.
The Ideal age to insure your pet.
Why preexisting conditions are excluded.
The dangers of policy exclusions and how to avoid them.
Hello and Welcome,,, It’s me Dr. B…
I have created this Pet Insurance Guide in response to requests from hundreds of clients. Who, just like you, were confused and frustrated when they attempted to purchase the insurance they knew they needed.
My goal is simple:
To eliminate the confusion you have in determining the best pet insurance plan for your pet . And to make your choices both simple and clear.
I understand your frustration because I have followed this industry closely since its birth in the 80’s. Today's marketing jargon is designed to sell and not necessarily inform… However, with an understanding of the key components and a knowledge of your choices you will be able to select the right plan for your pet — and for your budget.
I’m here to help…
SECOND — I’m Here To Help
I know from personal experience just how confusing and frustrating Pet Insurance can be. If you need more help than my guide, and my materials, just reply to any email and I will help any way I can.
THIRD — Dig into your Pet Insurance Guide:
- Digest your eBook and start living with less worry – TODAY.
- Also, Watch your email for your first edition of my pet tips email series — designed to create a “Worry Free Life With Your Pet” ... It will be coming directly to your in-box – soon!
FOURTH — Welcome to My Family of Worry Free Pet Owners
"I promise, that if you digest my material and apply it to your pet, you will embark on a prosperous journey to changing your pet’s life.
Welcome to the Journey." — Dr. B...
P.S. If you ever have a problem,
reply to any of my emails and I’ll do what I can. — I really am here to help!