Five Reasons Preventative Care is Right for Your Dog

Is Preventative Care  Right for  You and Your Dog?

1) Your worry will be assuaged or completely removed because you know Fido is in good health and you’re not missing something that needs to be done.

2) Fido will to live to his full genetic potential because serious medical  conditions that could shorten his life expectancy will now be detected and subsequently resolved before they can influence him adversely.

3) Needless pain and/or suffering is significantly reduced because it can be detected early and treated many times before owners are aware of the condition.

4) The financial burden of medical cost for serious illness is significantly reduced and/or averted because early diagnosis and treatment is a proven way to save not only lives but money.

5) Your best friend will be happier and healthier longer and you will be rewarded with his companionship for the longest time possible.Your frustration and confusion over want to do and when to do it will be completely eliminated.

Is Preventative Care  Right for  You and Your Dog? — Yes!

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